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On their Mylo Xyloto tour, Coldplay play at Sentrum Scene, Oslo, Norway, Europe.
Lanterns On The Lake play at The Cooler, Bristol, London, UK.
Immortal Technique plays at The Fillmore, San Francisco, California, USA.
During her Loud Tour, Rihanna plays at The SECC Arena, Glasgow, Scotland.
On her California Dreams tour Katy Perry plays the second of two nights at Staples Center, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Rolling Stone magazine publishes a list of the 100 Greatest Guitarists Of All Time, showing Jimi Hendrix at No1. The voting panel consisted of top guitarists and music biz luminaries. The Top 10 listing is as follows : 1. Jimi Hendrix, 2. Eric Clapton, 3. Jimmy Page, 4. Keith Richards, 5. Jeff Beck, 6. B.B. King, 7. Chuck Berry, 8. Eddie Van Halen, 9. Duane Allman, 10. Pete Townshend.
Rihanna releases her sixth album, Talk That Talk in Japan and India, Asia.
Popa Chubby plays at Wulfrun hall, Wolverhampton, England, UK.
Barry Llewellyn, co-founder of one of Jamaica's best-loved harmony groups, The Heptones, dies aged 63 of pneumonia, in St. Andrew, Jamaica.
The Cure play the last of three nights at The Pantages Theatre, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Justin Bieber and Usher perform on NBC's Today Show in New York City, USA.