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Yoko Ono places a full-page announcement in the New York Times which reads, "Imagine all the people living life in peace." The words, a quote from John Lennon's song Imagine, are her response to the World Trade Center tragedy.
The San Francisco Blues festival, a two-day event, concludes at the Great Meadow, Fort Mason, San Francisco, California, USA. Artists appearing on this day include Los Lobos, Little Milton with special guest Trudy Lynn, Robben Ford And The Ford Blues Band, The Jimmy Smith Group and Maria Muldaur.
The San Francisco Blues festival, a two-day event, concludes at the Great Meadow, Fort Mason, San Francisco, California, USA. Artists appearing on this day include Los Lobos, Little Milton with special guest Trudy Lynn, Robben Ford And The Ford Blues Band, The Jimmy Smith Group and Maria Muldaur.