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On her Aphrodite World Tour, Kylie Minogue plays at The Colosseum at Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Sufjan Stevens plays at The Colosseum Theatre, Essen, Germany, Europe.
On their Hit The Road Tour 2011 Mike And The Mechanics play at the Empire, Liverpool, UK. The group has recently added Andrew Roachford as a featured vocalist.
The 2011 Billboard Music Awards are held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Eminem and Justin Bieber dominate the event, each taking home six trophies, while Taylor Swift and five others secure three each. Beyonce gets the Millennium Award. Also in attendance are U2 and Lil Wayne.
On her California Dreams tour Katy Perry plays at Zepp Nagoya, Nagoya, Japan, Asia.
On their Live 2011 tour, Bon Jovi play at The Scottrade Center, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Echo And The Bunnymen play at The House Of Blues, Anaheim, California, USA.
Taj Mahal receives an honorary Doctor of Humanities degree from Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA.
Beat Connection play at The Deaf Institute, Manchester, UK.
On his Doowops And Hooligans tour Bruno Mars plays at Ceasar's, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
Lucinda Williams plays the second of two nights at Park West, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Four dead dogs are discovered in 'sealed containers' at the Tennessee, USA, home of Vinnie Vincent, a former Kiss guitarist, during an investigation into charges of assault against his wife. Vincent is arrested by the Rutherford County Sheriff's Department but is released after posting $10,000 bond.