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Zoo Records release the EP, From Y To Z And Never Again by Big In Japan, a Liverpool, UK. group which recently split up. Among its members were Ian Broudie (future Lightning Seed), Dave Balfe (future Teardrop Explodes), Bill Drummond (future KLF), Budgie [future Banshee] and Holly Johnson (future Frankie Goes To Hollywood).
Neil Young earns a gold disc for sales of the album Comes A Time in the USA from the R.I.A.A.
The EP, From Y To Z And Never Again is released by somewhat obscure Liverpool-based band Big In Japan on Zoo Records in the UK. The group had, in fact, recently split up but among its members were Ian Broudie [future leader of The Lightning Seeds], Dave Balfe [future member of The Teardrop Explodes], Bill Drummond [future member of The KLF], Budgie [future member of Siouxsie and the Banshees] and Holly [future vocalist with Frankie Goes To Hollywood].
Zoo Records release the EP, From Y To Z And Never Again by Big In Japan, a Liverpool group which recently split up. Among its members were Ian Broudie (future Lightning Seed), Dave Balfe (future Teardrop Explodes), Bill Drummond (future KLF), Budgie (future Banshee) and Holly (future Frankie Goes To Hollywood).
Bob Dylan plays at the Special Events Arena, El Paso, Texas.
Neil Young earns a gold disc for sales of the album Comes A Time in the USA from the R.I.A.A.