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The Hard Way by Steve Earle is awarded Platinum Album status in Canada.
On her Foreign Affair - The Farewell Tour, Tina Turner plays the third of seven nights at Wembley Arena, London, England, UK, Europe.
On their Hot In The Shade tour, Kiss play at The Convention Center, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.
The single Unskinny Bop by Poison is awaded Gold Status in Canada.
Hullabaloo play at The Rat, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, supported by Hordes Of Mungo, Biltspeer and Aurora.
U.K. Subs play at Medusa's, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
The Fools, Big Train, Trace Of Red and The Many play at The Channel, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
George Jones plays at The Rialto Square Theatre, Joliet, near Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Singer-songwriter Kalle Mattson is born in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada.
Robert Plant plays at Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver, British Columbia, USA.
Yousui Inone releases a new single, Shounen Jidai, in Japan, Asia.
Flesh And Blood by Poison is awarded double-platinum album status in Canada.
MC Hammer releases a new single, Pray, on Capitol Records in the USA.
Randy Travis and Shelby Lynne play the first of three nights at Star Plaza, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice play at Deer Creek Music Center, Noblesville, Indiana, USA.
Billy Idol and Faith No More play at Brendan Byrne Arena, New Jersey, USA.
Dave Grohl lands at Sea-Tac Airport, in Seattle, Washington, USA, where he is to audition as the drummer for grunge-rock pioneers Nirvana. He stays with Kurt Cobain in his 'Hellhole' apartment in Olympia, and a few days later he gets the job.
Phish play at The Somerville Theatre, Somerville, Massachusetts, USA.
The Melvins play at The Central Tavern, Seattle, Washington, USA, supported by Gas Huffer and Jonestown.
Kim Wilde performs (lip-synchs) Can't Get Enough (Of Your Love) on tv show Tous a la une in France, Europe.
Thee Hypnotics play at Lounge Ax, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
The Los Angeles Times reports that the formerly committed Christian metal band Stryper has now given up its evangelistic mission and will focus solely on playing heavy rock music.
Stick It To Ya by Slaughter is awarded gold album status in Canada.
Poison by Bell Biv DeVoe is certified as a double platinum album by the R.I.A.A. in the USA.