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Peter Frampton releases a new single, Show Me the Way, in the USA.
The first review of a live Sex Pistols gig appears in NME, when editor Neil Spencer reviews their slot earlier this month at The Marquee Club, London, England, UK, Europe, supporting Eddie and the Hot Rods. “I waded to the front and, straight away sighted a chair arcing through the air … then I saw it was the singer who'd done the throwing.” Spencer defines them as "a quartet of spiky teenage misfits, playing 60's-styled white punk rock." Speaking with Spencer later, they tell him "Actually, we're not into music. We’re into chaos."
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Melanie plays at the Premier Theatre, Westchester, New York State, USA.
Santana play at The Budokan, Tokyo, Japan, Asia.
Florence Ballard of The Supremes is found paralysed on the living room floor of her home in Detroit, Michigan, USA. She is driven to Mount Carmel Hospital, where she will die the following day.
Mr Big play at Welwyn Garden City, England, UK, Europe, supported by the Sex Pistols.
David Bowie's Station To Station tour plays in Wings Stadium, Kalamazoo, Wisconsin, USA.
Television and Bonjour Aviators play the second of two nights at The Plymouth Rock Party in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
The Four Seasons reach No1 in the UK singles chart with December 63 (Oh What A Night).
The musical Your Arms Too Short To Box With God is presented at The Lyceum Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It will run on Broadway for 429 performances. The musical is based on the Biblical Book of Matthew.