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The rock musical Hair (which includes a scene with a fully nude cast) is presented during a run of 1,997 performances at the Shaftesbury Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe. The cast includes Marsha Hunt, Paul Nicholas, Sonja Kristina and Jimmy Winston.
A coffin containing the body of country-rock star Gram Parsons is stolen from LAX Airport, Los Angeles, California, USA, by his road manager, Phil Kaufman, who drives it out to the Joshua Tree National Monument in the Navajo Desert and sets fire to the corpse, in accordance with a request made by Parsons before his death. The incident is immortalised in the song Fast Cars And Rented Beds by Julian Dawson on his 2004 album Bedroom Suite. The 2003 movie Grand Theft Parsons is about the same incident. Another song inspired by the life [and death] of Gram Parsons is My Man by The Eagles.
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Family play at The Empire, Liverpool, UK.
Status Quo play at The Capitol Theatre, Cardiff, Wales.
Lou Reed plays a gig in Amsterdam, Holland, Europe.
Ten Years After play at Colston Hall, Bristol, UK.
The Grateful Dead play at The Spectrum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Japanese folk group Kaguyahime release the song Kandagawa [Kanda River] in Japan.
A new rock venue, The Roxy, opens in Los Angeles, California, USA, with a concert by Neil Young. The audience includes Carole King, Elton John and Jackson Browne.
Jim Croce dies in a plane crash at Natchitoches, Louisiana, USA, aged 30.
Prominent jazz saxophonist Ben Webster dies aged 64, in Amsterdam, Holland, Europe.
Jazz guitarist, producer and composer Jack Marshall dies aged 51, of a heart attack, in Newport Beach, California, USA. As well as pursuing a solo career, Marshall worked with Art Tatum, and composed hundreds of pieces for televsion and films. His best-remembered arrangement is for Peggy Lee's Fever, using only percussion, bass and finger snaps, which won him several awards.