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A Quarter To Three by Gary U.S. Bonds enters the NME's UK pop singles chart where it will peak at No7.

Don't You Know It by British pop idol Adam Faith enters the UK singles chart, where it will peak at No12.

Cliff Jackson's Washboard Wanderers record Wolverine Blues, The Sheik Of Araby and other tracks at Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA, for Swingville Records.

The Wynton Kelly Trio record Autumn Leaves, Joe's Avenue and Someday My Prince Will Come, for Vee-Jay Records in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr. become the first humans to land on Earth's Moon, aboard the Lunar Module of Apollo 11. Command Module Pilot Michael Collins remains in orbit, monitoring the mission. In 1969, The Byrds will record their brief electronic folk song, Amstrong, Aldrin And Collins about the achievement of Apollo 11. Also, Armstrong's famous quote, "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind", will appear as a sample at the start of the Little Caesar cover version of The Whole Of The Moon, originally written and recorded by The Waterboys.
Elvis Presley continues with location filming his latest movie, Follow That Dream, in Crystal River, Florida, USA.
Milk And Honey, with music and lyrics by Jerry Herman, is playing at The Martin Beck Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 543 performances.
The musical