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On his Doowops And Hooligans tour Bruno Mars plays at The Jubilee CityFest, Montgomery, Alabama, USA.
Mike And The Mechanics play at the O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK. The group has recently added Andrew Roachford as a featured vocalist.
On her Aphrodite World Tour, Kylie Minogueplays at The Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Multi-award-winning jazz vocalist Clare Teal and The BBC Big Band play at Cadogan Hall, London, UK.
Eric Clapton plays at The Royal Albert Hall, London, UK.
On his My World tour, Justin Bieber plays at The Budokan, Tokyo, Japan, Asia.
Rammstein play at The Forum, Inglewood, California, USA.
Echo and the Bunnymen play at The Red Rock Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Miles Kane, Willie Mason, Kurt Vile And The Violators, Chain And The Gang and The Publicist play at various Liverpool venues on the second of three days of the Liverpool Sound City event, Liverpool, UK.
Explosions In The Sky play at The Bataclan, Paris, France, Europe.
Darius Rucker is awarded an honorary doctorate and delivers the commencement speech at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
Beat Connection play at Start The Bus, Bristol, UK.
Courtney Love is among the music world celebs attending the premiere of This Must Be The Right Place at The Cannes Film Festival, Cannes, France, Europe.