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Desire by Bob Dylan becomes the new No1 album in the UK.
Bad Company release a new single, Young Blood, in the USA.
Jackson Browne, Graham Nash, Robert Hunter, Country Joe McDonald, Kaleidoscope, Holly Near, Odetta and Kate Wolf play in a SEVA Sing Out for Sight concert at Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, California, USA.
Linkin Park vocalist Chester Bennington is born in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Boz Scaggs' album Silk Degrees debuts on the Billboard album charts in the USA. It will peak at No2, remaining on the chart for 78 weeks, eventually selling over 5m copies.
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The Boize play at The Club, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
The musical Your Arms Too Short To Box With God is presented at The Lyceum Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It will run on Broadway for 429 performances. The musical is based on the Biblical Book of Matthew.