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Rufus Wainwright's first opera, Prima Donna, is presented during an 18-day run at The Palace Theatre, Manchester, England, UK, Europe, during the Manchester International Festival.
Crue-Fest 2 sets off with a gig in Camden, New Jersey, USA, headlined by Motley Crue with Godsmack, Theory of a Dead Man, Drowning Pool and the Charm City Devils.
When Keith Urban plays at The Staples Center, Los Angeles, California, USA, the audience includes American Idol singer Daughtry.
Dave Alvin And The Guilty Women play at The Ottawa Blues Festival, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Allen Toussaint plays at the Jazz Cafe, Camden, London, UK.
Madonna visits the family of Charles Criscenzo, the French stage technician killed recently when a partially built roof at the Stade Velodrome, Marseilles, France, Europe, collapsed. Madonna's concert at the Stade Velodrome had been cancelled as a result of the incident.
Bruce Springsteen And The E Street Band play at The Stadio Olympico, Rome, Italy, Europe.
Allen Toussaint plays at The Jazz Cafe, Camden, London, England, UK.
Bob Dylan plays in the Alliance Bank Stadium, Syracuse, New York State, USA.
Bob Dylan plays in The Alliance Bank Stadium, Syracuse, New York State, USA.
Thom Yorke of Radiohead plays a set at The Latitude Festival in Henham Park, Southwold, UK, during which he includes a performance of one new song, The Present Tense.