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918 people die in Jonestown, Guyana, South America, in an incident sometimes described as a mass-suicide and sometimes as a massacre. The incident is described in the 2008 song Reverend Charisma by Wedlock. It is worth noting that a band, The Brian Jonestown Massacre, made up its name as a combination of the name of a Rolling Stones guitarist with the Jonestown incident. Other songs inspired by this horrific incident include The Riverflow by The Levellers, Jonestown Mind by The Almighty, Jimmie Jones by The Vapors, Jonestown by Concrete Blonde and Ballad of Jim Jones by The Brian Jonestown Massacre.
Jazz pianist, composer and arranger Lennie Tristano dies aged 59, of a heart attack at home in Jamaica, New York City, USA.
Bob Dylan plays at the A.S.U. Activities Center, Tempe, Arizona.
Eric Clapton plays at The Pavillon de Paris, Paris, France, Europe.