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Norah Jones releases her fourth studio album, The Fall, in the USA on Blue Note Records.
The chart-topping album Crazy Love by Grammy and Juno Award-winning jazz vocalist Michael Buble is awarded a gold disc in the USA by the R.I.A.A.
Beyonce releases a new single, Video Phone in the USA.
US Fish And Wildlife Services agents issue a search warrant on Gibson Guitars' manufacturing plant in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, seizing wood, guitars, computers and boxes of files. At issue is whether Gibson has violated the Lacey Act, which prohibits the importation of rosewood from Madagascar because it serves as a home for lemurs.
During the London Jazz Festival, Carla Bley And The Lost Chords play at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, UK.
R. Kelly plays at The Auditorium Theatre, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Bob Dylan plays the first of three nights in the United Palace Theatre, New York City, USA.