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Sugar Babies - The Burlesque Musical, starring Ann Miller and Mickey Rooney, is presented at The Mark Hellinger Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1208 performances.
The musical 42nd Street is presented at The Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It will subsequently move to the Majestic Theatre and then to The St. James Theatre, before finally closing in 1989, having racked up a total of 3,486 performances.
Peter Tosh plays at The Ritz, New York City, USA.
Simple Minds play at Rock City, Nottingham, UK, supported by Icehouse.
Nazareth play at The City Hall, Hull, UK.
The Clash are in the Rolling Stones Mobile in London, UK, recording Midnight To Stevens, which will remain unreleased until the mid-90s.
The Michael Schenker Group plays at The Odeon, Birmingham, UK.
Duran Duran play in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.