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Some Gave All by Billy Ray Cyrus becomes the first debut album by a country artist to be certified for wholesale sales of 9m copies.
Alan Vega of pioneering electro-punk duo Suicide dies in his sleep, aged 72, in New York City, USA.
Relish, the debut album by Joan Osbourne is awarded a triple-platinum disc by the R.I.A.A. in the USA.
Some Gave All by Billy Ray Cyrus becomes the first debut album by a country artist certified for wholesale sales of 9m copies. The album placed four hit singles on the Billboard country charts, first of which was Cyrus's breakthrough song Achy Breaky Heart.
Michael Jackson plays a free concert, at the Jerudong Park Amphitheatre, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei. 60,000 people attend the show which celebrates the 50th birthday of the Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, who has spent between $15m and $20m to hire Jackson for the occasion.