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Pearl Jam play at The Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe.
Eels play at Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, UK.
Madonna attends a preview of Holler If Ya Hear Me, a musical inspired by the music of Tupac Shakur, at The Palace Theatre, New York City, USA.
Linkin Park release their sixth album, The Hunting Party, on Warner Bros/Machine Shop Recordings in The UK and Poland, Europe.
Former Dire Straits' bass player John Illsley releases a new album, Testing The Water, on Creek Records in the UK.
After a three-month break from live performances, Bob Dylan resumes touring with a show in The Marquee, Cork, Ireland, Europe.
Anthrax play at Estragon, Bologna, Italy, Europe.
Queen And Adam Lambert play at The IHeartRadio Theatre, Burbank, California, USA
Three years after their separation, the divorce of Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony is finalized by Judge John Sandoz of Los Angeles Superior Court, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Journey, The Steve Miller Band and Tower Of Power play at Jones Beach, Long Island, New York State, USA.
Jones (aka Trevor Jones, and also Miracle Mile) releases a new album, To The Bone,on MeMe Records in the UK.
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In a break during her Dressed to Kill Tour, Cher is hospitalized briefly to have a painkilling injection in her foot, enabling her continue with the tour.
Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga host an unannounced master class for 700 students at The Frank Sinatra School Of The Arts in Astoria, Queens, New York City, USA.
The Klaxons release their third album, Love Frequency, in the UK.
Lana Del Rey releases her second album, Ultraviolence, in France, Italy and The UK, Europe.
Gene Simmons of Kiss performs the American National Anthem at the opening of a Los Angeles Dodgers Game in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Deadmau5 puts his Nyan Cat Ferrari 458 Italia on Craigslist with a price tag of $380,000.
Legendary session vocalist Merry Clayton is seriously injured in a major car crash in Los Angeles, California, USA.
One Direction play at Parken, Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe, supported by 5 Seconds Of Summer.
Recently re-united celebrity couple Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez attend the birthday party of their friend Alfredo Flores at Bootsy Bellows in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Royksopp and Robyn release their collaborative EP Do It Again in Hong Kong, Asia.
Tiesto releases his fifth LP, A Town Called Paradise, on Musical Freedom in the USA.