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Iron Maiden release their fourth studio album, Piece Of Mind, worldwide. It will peak at No3 in the UK albums chart.
The star-studded Motown Records anniversary celebration, Motown 25 - Yesterday, Today And Forever, is broadcast by NBC-tv in the USA, bringing Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, The Supremes, The Four Tops and The Temptations, Linda Ronstadt, Adam And the Ants and more together on one stage. Viewing figures are estimated at 52m.
I Was Only 19 by Redgum, reaches No1 in the Kent Music Report Singles Chart in Australia, for the first of two weeks. The song is inspired partly by the story of Australian soldier Peter Hines who was killed when he stepped on a landmine at Long Tan during the Vietnam War. (In the song, Peter Hines name is changed to Frankie out of respect for his memory.)