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The musical Milk And Honey, with music and lyrics by Jerry Herman, is playing at The Martin Beck Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 543 performances.
The stage musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, starring Rudy Vallee, is playing at the 46th Street Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,417 performances.
The Beach Boys record The One Way Road To Love, Beginning Of The End, Visions and My Only Alibi at Western Recorders, Hollywood, California, USA. Lead vocals on these tracks, which will never be released, are handled by the record producer, Gary Usher.
Brenda Lee and Gene Vincent play at The Theatre Royal, Norwich, UK.
Ian MacKaye, guitarist and vocalist with Fugazi, is born in Washington, DC, USA.
The Beach Boys record The One Way Road To Love, Beginning Of The End, Visions and My Only Alibi at United Western Recorders, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA. Lead vocals on these tracks, which will never be released, are handled by the record producer, Gary Usher.
Elvis Presley has an eighth day of location filming in Hawaii, USA, for his latest movie, Girls! Girls! Girls!
Bill Haley And His Comets continue with their three-week season at The Terrazzo Cafe, Mexico City, Mexico, Central America.
Perez Prado records a new album, The Exotic Suite Of The Americas, in New York City, USA.
Young World by Ricky Nelson peaks at No2 in the Canadian pop singles chart.
Bob Dylan sings his recent composition Blowin' In the Wind, at the Monday night Hoot in Gerde's Folk City, Greenwich Village, New York City, USA.
Bob Dylan sings his recent composition Blowin' In the Wind, at the Monday night Hoot in Gerde's Folk City, Greenwich Village, New York City, USA.
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The Springfields, featuring Dusty Springfield, have come to the end of a six-week season at The Empire , Liverpool, UK, in a show headlined by popular pianist Russ Conway.
Elvis Presley has an eighth day of location filming in Hawaii, USA, for his latest movie, Girls! Girls! Girls!
Perez Prado records a new album, The Exotic Suite Of The Americas, in New York City, USA.
The Marcels record That Old Black Magic, Tell Them About It and other tracks in New York City, USA, for Colpix Records.
The Marcels record That Old Black Magic, Tell Them About It and other tracks in New York City, USA, for Colpix Records.
The Todd Dameron Orchestra records If You Could See Me Now, You're Joy and other tracks in New York City, USA, for Riverside Records.
Bill Haley And His Cometscontinue with their three-week season at the Terrazzo Cafe, Mexico City, Mexico, Central America.
The Beatles continue their seven-week residency at The Star Club, Hamburg, Germany, Europe.
Jason Scheff, vocalist and bass guitarist, is born in San Diego, California, USA. He will join Chicago in 1985.