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Sugar Babies - The Burlesque Musical, starring Ann Miller and Mickey Rooney, is presented at The Mark Hellinger Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1208 performances.
Ronnie Milsap reaches No1 on the Billboard country music chart in the USA with I Wouldn't Have Missed It For The World.
The Police play at The Capital Center, Washington DC, USA.
Culture Club begin two days of demo sessions at EMI studios, Manchester House, London, with producer Steve Levine. They work on the songs White Boy and I'm Afraid Of Me.
60s rock anarchists The Fugs re-form for one-night at The Mudd Club, New York Citys Beat Generation Celebration.
Tom Tom Club, an extra-curricular project led by Talking Heads members Chris Frantz and Tina Weymouth, reaches No1 on the Billboard disco charts in the USA with Genius Of Love.
Wilson Pickett plays at The Stone, San Francisco, California, USA.
Aspiring pop band Culture Club begin two days of demo sessions at EMI studios, Manchester House, London, England, UK, Europe, with producer Steve Levine. They work on the songs White Boy and I'm Afraid Of Me.
Bucks Fizz reach No1 on the UK singles chart with The Land Of Make Believe - a candy-coated attack on the government of Margaret Thatcher.