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The musical Milk And Honey, with music and lyrics by Jerry Herman, is playing at The Martin Beck Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 543 performances.
The stage musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, starring Rudy Vallee, is playing at the 46th Street Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,417 performances.
Odetta plays during two weeks of shows at The Prince Charles Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe.
The Ronnie Ross-Bill Le Sage Tentet plays a live set on the BBC radio broadcast Jazz Session in London, UK. Songs performed on the show are Good Morning Judge, Cherry Blue, Someday, Somehow, Bond Street and Soho Strut.
The Beatles appear live on the Granada tv show People And Places, in Studio 4, Granada TV Centre, Manchester, UK. Later that night, they perform in the Playhouse Theatre, Manchester.
Carl Butler And Pearl record Loving Arms and Who'll Be The Next? for Columbia Records in Columbia Recording Studio, 804 16th Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Johnny Bond records Divorce Me C.O.D., Rainbow At Midnight, I Wonder Where You Are Tonight and other songs, in Starday Sound Studio, 3557 Dickerson Road, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Bob Dylan records some new songs at the offices of Broadside magazine, in New York City, USA. During the day, Dylan is photographed walking arm-in-arm down West Fourth Street, New York City with his girlfriend Suze Rotolo. The photograph will become the cover for The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan.
Johnny Bond records Divorce Me, Rainbow At Midnight, I Wonder Where You Are Tonight and other songs, in Starday Sound Studio, 3557 Dickerson Road, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
The Kingston Trio record Try To Remember and Run The Ridges for their Capitol Records album The Kingston Trio No.16 in the USA.
Bob Dylan flies back to New York City, USA, after his first visit to England, UK, Europe.
Brett Dallas is born in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. He will find success as lead guitarist in The Dallas Cowboys, a popular country and western group led by his father Rex Dallas.
Cliff Richard and The Shadows begin a tour of South Africa.
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Barbara Lewis records Puppy Love, Hello Stranger and Think A Little Sugar, with backing vocals by The Dells, for Atlantic Records at Ter-Mar Studios in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Frank Sinatra is interviewed by FBI agents in Los Angeles, California, USA, who have learned that he has been seeking a $5m loan from the Teamsters union pension fund to expand The Cal-Neva Lodge, a casino he owns in Lake Tahoe. This interview is in the context of The FBI was investigating Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa and allegations that the mafia is using cheap Teamsters loans to fund its operations in Las Vegas.
Carl Butler And Pearl record Loving Arms and Who'll Be The Next? for Columbia Records in Columbia Recording Studio, 804 16th Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Josh White records Sit Down Servant, How About You, Death Comin' Back After You and other tracks for Mercury Records in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
The Elvis Presley movie G.I.Blues is released in Turkey, Europe.
The Beach Boys record versions of the songs Farmer's Daughter and Lana at Fine Studios in New York City, USA. Neither of these versions will be released.
Connie Francis continues with a month-long engagement at The Sahara Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Jazz saxophonist Ike Quebec dies aged 44, of lung cancer, in New York City, USA.
Jazz guitarist Herb Ellis releases the LP Three Guitars in Bossa Nova Time in the USA.
Glenn Yarbrough, until recently a member of The Limeliters, is playing during four weeks of shows at The Hungry i, San Francisco, California, USA. Also on the bill are Wes Harrison and The Town Criers.