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The musical comedy Annie Get Your Gun, by Irving Berlin, is presented during a run of 1,147 performances at The Imperial Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA.
Latin singer, percussionist and flautist Henry Fiol is born in New York City, USA.
Pianist King Fleming has an "indefinite" contract with The Macomba Lounge, at 3905 South Cottage Grove, Chicago, Illinois, USA, accepted and filed with Musicians Union Local 208. This gig will, reportedly, last for about one month.
Fats Navarro And His Thin Men record Fat Girl, Ice Freezes Red [Back Home In Indiana], Eb Pob [I Got Rhythm] and Goin' To Minton's [I Got Rhythm] for Savoy Records in New York City, USA.
Jazz trumpet player Sonny Berman dies at the age of 21, reportedly from a drug overdose, in New York City, USA
Country singer/songwriter Sandy Pinkard is born in Abbeville, Louisiana, USA.