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The musical play The Time, The Place And The Girl is presented at The Princess Theatre, San Francisco, California, USA.
Musical comedy The Honeymoon Trail is presented at The Tacoma Theatre, Tacoma, Washington, USA. The show is billed as featuring an 'Impressionable beauty chorus - None Of Them Twenty - None Of Them Married' and also Ned Wayburn's Dancing Brownies
The musical Marriage A La Carte is presented at The Casino Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 64 performances.
The Broadway Gaiety Girls open for a week at The New Lyceum Theatre, Washington DC, USA, along with The Georgia Campers, billed as "The greatest colored act on the stage".
Musical attractions Mabel McKinley, Hammond And Forrester and The Pendletons play in a vaudeville show at The Majestic Theatre, Tacoma, Washington, USA.
Willard's Temple Of Music, billed as 'Four Women And Two Men Who Play Nearly Every Known Instrument', play at The Pantages Theatre, Tacoma, Washington, USA.
The That Girl Quartet records Honeymooning, Honey, In Bombay, Put Your Arms Around Me Honey, Nightingale and Goodbye My Love Goodbye, for Victor Records in Camden, New Jersey, USA.
Musical Comedy The Slim Princess is presented at The Globe Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 104 performances.