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Bluesy slide guitarist and songwriter Martin Harley plays at The Pound Arts Centre, Corsham, Wiltshire, UK.
Ghost perform a special show in their hometown, Linköping, Sweden, Europe, where they debut a new song, Secular Haze, which was released online earlier that day. At the same show, they introduce vocalist Papa Emeritus II as the successor to Papa Emeritus, but general opinion holds that he is the same person with a new image.
Carrie Rodriguez plays at The Kirby Centre, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, USA.
It is reported that Courtney Love is being evicted from her $27,000 per month West Village townhouse in New York City, USA, after she set it on fire and seriously damaged its designer decor. Owner Donna Lyon is taking Love to court, claiming that the Hole vocalist painted over hand-finished walls, and owes over $50,000 rent.
Little Angels play at The O2 Academy, Bristol, UK.
Enter Shikari, Cancer Bats and Engine-Earz Experiment play the second of two nights at The HMV Institute, Birmingham, UK.
The original line-up of Asia begin the British leg of their 30th Anniversary UK tour at The Wharf, Tavistock, UK.
Simian Mobile Disco play at The Bottom Lounge, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Ty Segall plays at The El Rey Theatre, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Vitalic plays at I Love Techno, Montpellier, France, Europe.
The Hives play at The Academy, Manchester, England, UK, Europe.
On her MDNA Tour, Madonna plays the second of two nights at The River Plate Stadium, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America.
Stone Sour play at The O2 Academy, Bournemouth, UK.