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The stage musical Man Of La Mancha is playing at the ANTA Washington Square Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of almost two and a half years.
The Blues Project play during eight nights at The Matrix, San Francisco, California, USA.
US tv rock show Where The Action Is features Marvin Gaye, and an interview with The Beatles.
Jimmy James and the Vagabonds play at The Marquee, Soho, London, England, UK.
Phil Ochs plays at The Riverboat, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
The Monkees tv show debuts on NBC in the USA and becomes an instant hit. The series will run for a total of 58 episodes until it is canceled after the second season.
Otis Redding plays at The Carousel Club, Farnborough, UK. (N.B. Other sources claim Redding was attending a Volt Records recording session in Memphis, Tennessee, USA, on this date, but photographic evidence appears to place him firmly in Farnborough)
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Peggy Lee records Walking Happy for Capitol Records in the USA.
Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney of The Beatles appear at the Melody Maker awards ceremony at The Post Office Tower in London, England, UK, because readers of the magazine have voted The Beatles best group in both the British and International Sections.
John Lennon of The Beatles continues filming in Celle, Germany, Europe, for the movie How I Won The War.
Elvis Presley releases a new single, Spinout, in the USA on RCA Records.
The Emperors record their debut single, Karate, for Mala Records in Impact Studios, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. This song will 'inspire' the 1971 Santana track Everybody's Everything, which is virtually identical in its structure, although the words are different.
Art Farmer And The Baroque Orchestra record Prelude In A Minor, Fuja XI, Little David's Fugue, Sinfonia and Aria for Columbia Records in New York City, USA.
First generation San Francisco hippy band Big Brother And the Holding Company, including Janis Joplin, play the twentieth night in a month of dates at Mother Blues, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Socialite Panna Grady invites Ed Sanders of New York City based anarchist rock band The Fugs to visit her home in Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA.
The Who record live versions of I'm A Boy and Disguises at The Playhouse, London, England, UK, for the BBC Radio show Saturday Club.