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On their Magic Summer tour, New Kids On The Block play the last of three nights at Docklands Arena, London, UK. This is the final date of their UK tour
Maniken, Blackmail, Salem and Fanatics play at Summer Jam I, Shiley Acres, Bunker Hill, West Virginia, USA.
On their Bleach tour, Nirvana play at Duffy's Tavern, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA.
On her Blond Ambition tour, Madonna plays the third of five nights at The Memorial Sports Arena, Los Angeles, California, USA.
The Kentucky Headhunters play at The Agora Ballroom, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
On their Pump tour, Aerosmith play at Mississippi Coliseum, Jackson, Mississippi, USA.
The Hooters play at The Live Music Hall, Frankfurt, Germany, Europe.
On their Presto Tour, Rush play at Colisee De Quebec, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
On her Heart Of Stone tour, Cher plays at The Centrum, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA.
Corrosion of Conformity play at Aladin, Bremen, Germany, Europe.
The Ramones play at Flood Zone, Richmond, Virginia, USA.
TV show MTV Unplugged in the USA features live acoustic performances by Crowded House and Tim Finn.
Ry Cooder and David Lindley play at The NHK Hall, Tokyo, Japan, Asia.
Phish play at The Front, Burlington, Vermont, USA.