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The Irving Berlin musical and political satire Call Me Madam is playing at The Coliseum, London, England, UK, during a run of 485 performances. Main cast members are Billie Worth (Sally Adams), Anton Walbrook (Cosmo), Jeff Warren (Ken Gibson) and Shani Wallis (Princess Maria). Songs include The Hostess with the Mostes', It's a Lovely Day Today, The Ocarina, They Like Ike and You're Just in Love.
The musical revue New Faces Of 1952, is presented at The Royale Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 365 performances. The revue is perhaps best remembered because it features Eartha Kitt making her Broadway debut with the spectacular song, Monotonous, based on real events in her life.
The musical comedy Wish You Were Here, is presented at The Imperial Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 598 performances.
The musical Love From Judy is playing at The Saville Theatre, London, England, UK, during a run of 594 performances. The cast includes Jean Carson (Judy), Linda Gray (Grace), Bill O'Connor (Jervis) and Adelaide Hall (Butterfly) and songs including I Never Dream When I'm Asleep, Dear Daddy Long-Legs, Here We Are and A Touch of Voodoo.
The revue An Evening With Beatrice Lillie is presented at The Booth Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 276 performances. As well as its actress-singer star, the show features piano duettists Eddie And Rack.
Danny Kaye is headlining at The Palace Theater, New York City, USA, during a lengthy run of shows.
The Russ Morgan Orchestra is playing during six weeks at Cocoanut Grove, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA, with The Blackburn Twins.
The Betty McGuire group is playing during six weeks at The Prince George, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Frankie Laine is playing at The Chase Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
The musical Hazel Flagg, with music by Jule Styne and lyrics by Bob Hilliard, is playing at The Mark Hellinger Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of 190 performances.
The Roy Eldridge Quintet records Roy's Riff, Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams, Rockin' Chair and Little Jazz for Clef Records in New York City, USA. The band includes Oscar Peterson on organ and Barney Kessel on guitar.
Ella Fitzgerald, with Sy Oliver And His Orchestra, records Blue Lou, Careless and I Wonder What Kind Of Man for Decca Records in New York City, USA.
Enrico de Jesus Puno is born in Manila, Philippines, Asia. He will find success as pop singer Rico J. Puno.
Peggy Lee records How Strange and Where Can I Go Without You? for Decca Records in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Joëlle Mogensen is born in Long Island, New York City, USA. She will find success as the female lead singer in the French pop group Il Était Une Fois.
US Army Private Wynton Kelly plays piano accompaniments for singer Private Don Meehan, who is rehearsing for the Third Army Talent Contest at the Service Club, Fort McClellan, Alabama, USA.
Doris Day with The Norman Luboff Choir records Just One Girl which will appear on the Columbia Records album By The Light Of The Silvery Moon.
Jimmie Skinner records the Hank Williams composition Will You Be Ready for Capitol Records at E.T.Herzog Studio, 811 Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. At the same session, Skinner also records Singing Teacher In Heaven, I've Got A Lot OF Love Baby and By Degrees.
Hank Snow records Spanish Fireball, When Jimmie Rodgers Said Goodbye, Treasure Untold and For Now And Always at Brown Radio Productions, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
The musical comedy Wonderful Town, starring Rosalind Russell, is playing at The Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 559 performances.