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Two members of Chuck Mangione's band, saxophonist Gerry Niewood and guitarist Coleman Mellett, are among the passengers killed on Flight 3407, en route to play a gig in Buffalo, New York State.
A nude photograph of Madonna, taken in 1979, sets a new record when it sells for $37,500 (£26,000) at Christie's auction house in New York City, USA.
Beyonce wins the Best Female Artist award at the 40th annual NAACP Image Awards at the Shrine Auditroium, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Roger Daltrey of The Who takes time out to meet with an old fan of the band, Stephanie Zimmerman, at the cafe in The Wallace Collection, London, England, UK, Europe.
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The Fame, the debut album by Lady Gaga, reaches No1 in the Irish Albums Chart.
Teddy Thompson plays at Shepherds Bush Empire, London, England, UK, Europe.
Wax effigies of the Jonas Brothers go on display at madame Tussaud's Waxworks, New York City. The Jonas Brothers themselves perform the unveiling of the statues which were previously on display in Washington, DC.