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Diagrams release their second LP, Chromatics, on Full Time Hobby Records in the UK.
Justin Townes Earle releases a new LP, Absent Fathers on Loose Music.
Red Jasper release a new LP, The Great And Secret Show, on Angel Air Records in the UK.
Annie Keating releases her sixth LP, Make Believing, in the UK.
The Reality Party, whose best-known member is Bez, former dancer with The Happy Mondays, is deregistered by the Electoral Commission in the UK, for having a name that is too similar to that of the already existing Realists' Party.
Clifford Adams, the longtime trombone player for Kool And The Gang, dies aged 62, after battling liver cancer for a year.
Pinkshinyultrablast release their debut LP, Everything Else Matters, on Club AC30 in the UK.
The Moulettes release a new single, Glorious Year, on Navigator Records in the UK.