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The Black Suns play at The​ O2 Academy 2 Liverpool, UK.
Yellowcard play at The Starland Ballroom, Sayreville, New York State, USA.
Los Rakas play at Slim's, San Francisco, California, USA.
On their Changed tour, Rascal Flatts play at The JQH Arena, Springfield, Missouri, USA.
Tom Robinson plays at The Tabernacle, Notting Hill, London, UK.
Annuals play at The Mercury Lounge, New York City, USA.
Lymbyc Systym play at Salon Badabie, Seoul, Republic Of Korea, Asia.
65daysofstatic play at Mao Live House, Shanghai, China, Asia.
Keane play at The Pantages Theatre, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Bettye Lavette plays at Joe's Pub, New York City, USA.
Justin Bieber plays at The AT+T Center, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Buddy Guy, Nellie Travis and Joe Price play at Buddy Guy's Legends, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Niki and The Dove play at The Bowery Ballroom, New York City, USA.
A 1974 Silver Shadow Rolls Royce once owned by Freddie Mercury of Queen goes up for sale at an auction by Coys, Birmingham, England, UK, Europe, with an estimated selling price of £9,000 - £11,000.
Woodpecker Wooliams plays at Kings Place, London, UK.
Saratoga play at The Music Hall, Barcelona, Spain, Europe.
On her Born This Way Ball Tour, Lady Gaga plays the second of two nights at Rogers Arena, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, North America.
Enter Shikari and Cancer Bats play at Krakatoa, Merignac, Bordeaux, France, Europe.
Three songs - Hunter of Invisible Game, The Ghost of Tom Joad and High Hopes - from Bruce Springsteen's imminent album, High Hopes, are previewed in today's episode of CBS tv series The Good Wife in the USA.
Iwan Rheon plays at The Borderline, London, UK.
1000mods play at The Polutechniki Scholi Xanthis, Xanthi, Greece, Europe.
Quicksand play at The Metro Smart Bar, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Sons of Fathers play at The Brick And Mortar Music Hall, San Francisco, California, USA.