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The New York Daily News breaks the story that 70 year old New York City songwriter Joseph Brooks is a police supect in five sexual assaults. Brooks won an Academy Award for Debbie Boone's 1977 ballad You Light Up My Life.
Animal Collective release their eighth album, Merriweather Post Pavilion, on Domino Records in the UK.
J. Tillman releases his sixth album, Vacilando Territory Blues, in the UK on Bella Union Records.
Lady Gaga releases her debut album, The Fame, on Interscope Records in the UK.
Roger Daltrey of The Who, backed by Babyshambles with singer Pete Doherty play a selection of The Who's hits together during a one-off Teenage Cancer Trust charity gig at the O2 Academy, Bristol, UK.
In Los Angeles, California, USA, Justin Timberlake finds himself dining in the same restaurant as his ex-girlfriend Britney Spears. Timberlake is dining with girlfriend Jessica Biel at the tiny Yatai Asian Tapas Bar when Britney and her mother arrive. According to onlookers, the pair pointedly avoid talking.