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Visionary jazz pianist and composer Alice Coltrane, the wife of John Coltrane, dies of respiratory failure at West Hills Hospital and Medical Center in Los Angeles.
Alec Ounsworth, singer and songwriter of indie band Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, marries Emily Jean Stock. She is the inspiration for the song which bears her name on the Clap Your Hands Say Yeah album Some Loud Thunder.
Visionary jazz pianist and composer Alice Coltrane, the wife of John Coltrane, dies of respiratory failure at West Hills Hospital And Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, USA. Although overshadowed by her husband's fame, Alice Coltrane was a powerfully influential musician and thinker, and her legacy has been celebrated since her death in songs including Song For Alice (Dedicated to the Beautiful Legacy of Mrs. Coltrane) by Paul Weller [2008], Alice by Sunn and That Alice by Laura Veirs [2013].
Visionary jazz pianist and composer Alice Coltrane, the wife of John Coltrane, dies of respiratory failure at West Hills Hospital And Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, USA. Although overshadowed by her husband's fame, Alice Coltrane was a powerfully influential musician and thinker, and her legacy has celebrated since death in songs including Song For Alice [Dedicated to the Beautiful Legacy of Mrs. Coltrane] by Paul Weller (2008), Alice by Sunn and That Alice by Laura Veirs (2013).
World-famed classical violinist Joshua Bell busks incognito, using a Stradivarius violin valued at around $2m, at the L'Enfant Plaza Metro station in Washington D.C., USA. Of the 1,097 people who pass by, only one recognizes him and only a couple more stop to listen to him play. For his nearly 45 minute performance, Bell collects $52.17, of which $20 came from the passerby who recognized him.