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Simply Red play at The Point, Dublin, Eire, Europe.
BBC3 radio in the UK begins a major eight-part series entitled The Myth Maker, in which jazz musician Ian Carr talks with record producer and manager George Avakian. Best known for his work from 1939 to the early 1960s at Decca Records, Columbia Records, World Pacific Records, Warner Bros. Records, and RCA Records, Avakian was a major force in the expansion and development of the recording industry in the USA. Avakian worked with artists including Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, Dave Brubeck, Eddie Condon, Keith Jarrett, Erroll Garner, Buck Clayton, Sonny Rollins, Paul Desmond, Edith Piaf, Bob Newhart, Johnny Mathis and Ravi Shankar.
Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones becomes a father for the fifth time when Jerry Hall gives birth to their daughter, Georgia May Ayeesha.