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The Steven Sondheim musical Gypsy, starring Ethel Merman, is performed on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 702 performances.
British comedy duo Flanders And Swann are performing their show At The Drop Of A Hat during a run of 215 performances at the John Golden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA.
Eddie Cochran spends the first of two days rehearsing in London for UK tv show Boy Meets Girls.
Jazz guitarist Bill Jennings, with his Quartet, records Miss Jones, Cole Slaw and other tracks in Van Gelder Studio, Hackensack, New Jersey, USA, for Prestige Records.
Johnny Cash plays in Great Falls, Montana, USA.
Elvis Presley of the Thirty-second Tank Battalion, US Third Armored Division, is on holiday in Paris, France, Europe, where he takes part in karate classes.
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Famed tango pianist, bandleader and composer Carlos Di Sarli, known as El Senor del Tango, dies in Argentina.
Gene Vincent, supported by Billy Fury, Joe Brown and Georgie Fame, plays at The Granada, Aylesbury, UK.
Teen idol Fabian duets with Dean Martin on Martin's US tv show.
Charles Gillingham, who will one day play keyboards, oboe and harmonica for Counting Crows, is born in Torrance, California, USA.
Popular tango musician, orchestra leader, composer and pianist Carlos Di Sarli dies of a 'terminal disease' in Olivos, Argentina, South America.
The musical Irma La Douce is running at The Plymouth Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It runs at The Plymouth for more than a year before transferring to The Alvin Theatre.