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The musical Deep Harlem, with music by Joe Jordan closes at The Hudson Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, after a run of eight performances. The show traces the history and the journey of blacks from ancient Africa to 20th century New York City.
The Music Masters, a pseudonym for Jay Whidden And His Band, record I Can't Give You Anything But Love and Just Like A Melody Out Of The Sky, in London, UK, for Victory Records.
The Music Masters, a pseudonym for Jay Whidden And His Band record I Can't Give You Anything But Love and Just Like A Melody Out Of The Sky, in London, UK, for Victory Records.
Frank Luther [aka Pete Wiggins] and Jack Parker [aka Carson Robison] record Carolina Moon and You Can't Take My Mem'ries From Me, for Brunswick Records in New York City, USA.
Frank Luther [aka Pete Wiggins] and Jack Parker [aka Carson Robison] record Carolina Moon and You Can't Take My Mem'ries From Me, for Brunswick Records in New York City, USA.