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A production of the "musical extravaganza" The Wizard Of Oz by L. Frank Baum with music by Paul Tietjens and A.B. Sloane, plays at The Majestic Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of 293 performances.
Musical comedy The Girl From Kay's is playing at The Herald Square Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of 205 performances.
Musical comedy The Girl From Kay's is playing at The Comedy Theatre, London, England, UK, during a run of just over one month.
A patent application for the invention of a Mandolin Pick Holder, designed to be mounted on the headstock of a mandolin as a convenient means of holding a supply of mandolin picks, is granted as Patent No. 749,616 in the USA. The device was invented by Benjamin F. Knell of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Lew Dockstader's Minstrels are playing at The Victoria Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA.
Blues singer and guitarist Mississippi Fred McDowell is born in Fayette County, Tennessee, USA,
Blues singer and guitarist Mississippi Fred McDowell is born in Fayette County, Tennessee, USA,