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UK tv show Supersonic features Liverpool Express, Bonnie Tyler and Paul Nicholas.
Somebody To Love by Queen peaks at No2 in the UK pop singles chart.
Status Quo play at Carlow Park, Auckland, New Zealand.
Bob Seger releases a new single, Night Moves, in the USA.
Deaf School play at Friar's, Aylesbury Buckinghamshire, UK, supported by The Stranglers.
Cado Belle play at The Boat Club, Nottingham, UK.
Lou Reed plays at the Paramount Theater, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Devo and Pere Ubu play the second of two nights at The Crypt, Akron, Ohio, USA.
Ace Frehley of Kiss is knocked out by an electric shock during a show at the Civic Center, Lakeland, Florida, USA. During the same show, Gene Simmons' hair catches fire, but the band finishes the performance.
Mud play at City University, London, UK.
Jackson Browne plays in The Stadthalle, Heidelberg, West Germany, supported by Warren Zevon.
Elton John is interviewed on UK tv news in his capacity as chairman of Watford Football Club.
Haitian Divorce by Steely Dan enters the UK pop singles chart where it will peak at No17 during a nine-week run.
Andy Fairweather Low plays at The Shaftesbury Theatre, London, UK.
Connee Boswell dies aged 68 from stomach cancer at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan, New York City, USA. She had found fame during the 1930s as a member of hugely influential jazz trio The Boswell Sisters.
A gig by The Sex Pistols, The Clash and The Heartbreakers at the Stadium, Liverpool, UK, is cancelled.