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The Infliktors play at The Rat Club, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
The Crusaders play at The Hippodrome, Birmingham, UK.
On their Worldwide Texas tour, ZZ Top play at Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, Kansas, USA, supported by The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and Jay Boy Adams. The tour features an onstage menagerie of typically Texan live animals such as a longhorn steer, black buffalo, two vultures and two rattlesnakes. Various Texan plants, such as yucca, agave and cacti, also decorate the stage, which has been built in the shape of Texas.
Willie Alexander And The Boom Boom Band play at Max
Thin Lizzy play a Thank-you Concert at Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK, supported by Graham Parker and the Rumour. Phil Lynott, the leader of Thin Lizzy, plays this concert against advice from doctors.
Touring in support of their LP Riding High, Sassafras play at The Victoria Palace, London, England, UK, Europe.
Andy Gibb marries his girlfriend, Kim Reeder, in Australia.
James Taylor plays the last of four nights at Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Fairport Convention play in The Open Air Theatre, Regent
The Crusaders, supported by John Stevens Away, play at The Hippodrome, Birmingham, England, UK, Europe.
Frank Sinatra marries his fourth wife, Barbara Marx, former wife of Zeppo Marx of The Marx Brothers.
The musical Your Arms Too Short To Box With God is presented at The Lyceum Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It will run on Broadway for 429 performances. The musical is based on the Biblical Book of Matthew.