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Paul McCartney's band Wings release a triple album, Wings Over America, in the UK and USA simultaneously.
Devo and Pere Ubu play the first of two nights at The Crypt, Akron, Ohio, USA.
Mud play at The New Theatre, Southport, UK.
Former Deep Purple guitarist Tommy Bolin is buried, wearing a ring that had been worn by Jimi Hendrix on the day he died.
Rock Against Racism stages its first major music event, a gig featuring Matumbi, Carol Gri mes, Limosine and the London Boogie Band at the Royal College Of Art, London, England, UK, Europe.
Former Deep Purple guitarist Tommy Bolin is buried, wearing a ring that had been worn by Jimi Hendrix on the day he died.
When The Stranglers play at The Nashville, London, UK, their set is recorded for a live album, planned as their debut. Support band for the evening is The Tom Robinson Band.
Steeleye Span play at the Gaumont, Southampton, Hampshire, UK.
Queen release the album A Day At The Races, in the UK.
Generation X, a new band formed by UK punk rocker Billy Idol, plays its first gig, at the Central College of Art, London, UK.