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Genesis play at Bingley Hall, Stafford, UK.
The new No1 album in the UK is A Night On The Town by Rod Stewart.
Neil Sedaka enters the UK pop albums chart with the compilation Laughter And Tears
The new No1 on the Billboard Country singles chart in the USA is The Door Is Always Open by Dave and Sugar.
Harvest For the World by The Isley Brothers enters the UK pop singles chart where it will peak at No10.
Sassafras begin a British tour in support of their LP Riding High with a show at The Civic Hall, Mansfield, England, UK, Europe.
The Edgar Broughton Band plays at Skindles, Maidenhead, UK.
The Miamis and The Infliktors play at The Rat Club, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Under instructions from his son Elvis Presley, Vernon Presley fires longtime 'Memphis Mafia' members Sonny West, Red West and Dave Hebler - the three men most determined to get Elvis off his addiction to prescription drugs.
James Taylor plays the third of four nights at Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles, California, USA.
The Sex Pistols play at The Sundown, Charing Cross Road, London, UK.
The Crusaders, supported by John Stevens Away, play at The New Victoria, London, England, UK, Europe.
Cher gives birth to a baby boy, Elijah Blue, her child by Greg Allman of The Allman Brothers Band.
The Starland Vocal Band reach No1 on the Billboard Top 40 singles chart in the USA with Afternoon Delight.
Weather Report play at Sommarlust, Kristianstad, Sweden.
The musical Your Arms Too Short To Box With God is presented at The Lyceum Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It will run on Broadway for 429 performances. The musical is based on the Biblical Book of Matthew.