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On their 3-D Concerts tour, Kraftwerk play at The Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Europe.
Ed Sheeran plays at Palacio De Los Deportes, Mexico City, Mexico, North America.
While promoting her new album, Witness, Katy Perry acknowledges, in an interview with activist DeRay McKesson on his podcast Pod Save the People, that she has in the past been guilty of acts of cultural mis-appropriation.
On his Purpose tour, Justin Bieber plays at Gardet Open Air Venue, Stockholm, Sweden, Europe.
During the European leg of their Not In This Lieftime tour, Guns N'Roses play at Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari Imola, Italy, Europe, supported by The Darkness and Phil Campbell And The Bastard Sons. This tour features classic Guns N'Roses line-up members Axl Rose, Slash and Duff McKagan, playing together for the first time since 1993.