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Kasabian release their fifth album, 48:13, in Italy, Europe.
Megadeth play at Le Palais des Sports, Paris, France, Europe.
Eels play at The Palace of Fine Arts Theater, San Francisco, California, USA.
Chrissie Hynde releases her first solo LP, Stockholm, on Caroline International Records in the UK.
On his All The Hits All Night Long tour, Lionel Richie and CeeLo Green play at USANA Amphitheater, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Angel Olsen plays at The Lantern, Colston Hall, Bristol, UK.
Eminem is named as the first artist to have earned two Digital Diamond Awards from the R.I.A.A. in Washington DC, USA. A Digital Diamond Award is in recognition of 10m sales of a single. The two singles in question are Not Afraid and Love The Way You Lie.
Billy Idol plays at Gran Teatro Geox, Padua, Italy, Europe.
Jack White releases his second solo album, Lazaretto, in the USA.
Hessler play at The Cobra Lounge, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Singer-songwriter BANKS plays at The Hoxton, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Blues-rock supergroup The Royal Southern Brotherhood release a new album, heartsoulblood, on Ruf Records in the UK.
Blitzen Trapper play at The City Winery, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
It is officially announced that pop/opera vocalist Sarah Brightman has paid $52m to secure the honour of becoming the first professional musician to sing from space. Assuming all goes to plan, she would achieve her goal during a 2015 flight to the International Space Station, organised by a company called Space Adventures.
Trash Talk play at Grand Central, Miami, Florida, USA.
Tom Vek releases his third album, Luck, on Moshi Moshi Records in the UK.
The Rolling Stones play at The Waldbühne, Berlin, Germany, Europe.
The Kooks play at Le Trianon, Paris, France, Europe.
Annise D. Parker, Mayor of Houston, Texas, USA, declares this to be Drake Day in honour of locally-based rapper Drake.