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On his Nude Tour Prince plays at The Niedersachsenstadion, Hanover, Germany, Europe.
Tracy Chapman plays at The Poplar Creek Music Theater in Hoffman Estates, Chicago, Illinois, USA, supported by Johnny Clegg.
The Top 5 Singles in the Billboard Singles Chart in the USA on this day are :

1. Hold On - Wilson Phillips

2. Vogue - Madonna

3. Poison - Bell Biv Devoe

4. All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You - Heart

5. It Must Have Been Love - Roxette

On their Presto Tour, Rush play at The Blossom Music Center, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA.
On his Sound And Vision tour, David Bowie plays at The St. Louis Arena, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
During their Urban Jungle tour, The Rolling Stones play at Avalade Stadium, Lisbon, Portugal, Europe. This is their first ever concert in Portugal.
On his In Step tour, Stevie Ray Vaughan plays at The Sports Arena, San Diego, California, USA.
The Cure are undertaking nine days of rehearsals for their upcoming summer gigs, mostly European festival dates.
On her Foreign Affair tour, Tina Turner plays at The Zeppelinfield, Nuremberg, Germany, Europe.
Three members of rap group 2 Live Crew are arrested in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, for performing songs from their album As Nasty As They Wanna Be, which have been ruled obscene by a court of law.
311 play at Sokol Underground, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Madonna and Warren Beatty attend the premiere of the movie Dick Tracy in Washington DC, USA.
The Charlatans UK play at The Ritz, Manchester, England, UK.
Bob Dylan plays at The Adler Theater, Davenport, Iowa, USA.
The Grateful Dead play at Cal Expo Amphitheatre, Sacramento, California, USA.