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John Lee Hooker records I Love You Honey, Bundle Up And Go and I'm Gonna Love You, for Vee-Jay Records in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
While in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, during two weeks of furlough, US Army Private Elvis Presley begins a two-day recording session in RCA Studios, during which he records I Need Your Love Tonight, A Big Hunk O' Love, Ain't That Loving You Baby, A Fool Such As I and I Got Stung.
Doo-wop hitmakers The Spaniels record I'm Gonna Thank Him, Vee-Jay Records in Chicago, Illinois.
John Lee Hooker records I Love You Honey, Bundle Up And Go and I'm Gonna Love You, for Vee-Jay Records in Chicago, Illinois. On the same day, doo-wop hitmakers The Spaniels record I'm Gonna Thank Him, also for Vee-Jay.
Doo-wop hitmakers The Spaniels record I'm Gonna Thank Him, for Vee-Jay Records in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Doo-wop hitmakers The Spaniels record I'm Gonna Thank Him, in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Doo-wop hitmakers The Spaniels record I'm Gonna Thank Him, for Vee-Jay Records in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
John Lee Hooker records I Love You Honey, Bundle Up And Go and I'm Gonna Love You, for Vee-Jay Records in Chicago, Illinois, USA.