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Okkervil River make a live appearance on NBC-tv chat show Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, in New York City, USA.
Bruno Mars releases a new single, Grenade in the UK.
N.E.R.D. play at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia.
It is formally announced that the Universal Music Group has donated around 200,000 metal, glass and lacquer master discs from the period 1926 to 1948 to a Library of Congress site in Culpeper, Virginia, USA. The recordings, from Universal's vaults, include material by Bing Crosby, Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Judy Garland, The Mills Brothers, Fred Waring, Guy Lombardo, The Andrews Sisters, Ernest Tubb, Bill Monroe and many others.
My Chemical Romance release a new single, Sing, in the UK.
British Sea Power release their fifth album, Valhalla Dancehall, in the UK.
Just Jack posts a message on Facebook saying, "Congratulations to my mate Ed Sheeran. No.2 in the iTunes Album chart today. No radio, no TV, no label, no promo. Respect." The message is a reference to Sheeran's self-released fifth EP, No. 5 Collaborations Project, which features eight collaborations with hip-hop artists including Wiley, Sway, Dot Rotton, JME and P-Money.
Keri Hilson releases her second album, No Boys Allowed, in the UK.