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The video for Gone by Montgomery Gentry makes its debut on CMT in the USA.
The Brit Award nominations are announced in London, UK, with Scottish band Franz Ferdinand heading up the list. They have a tally of five possible awards, including Best British Group, Album, Breakthrough Act, Rock Act and Live Act.
Spencer Dryden, drummer of Jefferson Airplane, dies of cancer, at home in Petaluma, California, USA, aged 66.
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Brian McFadden, formerly of Westlife, confirms rumours that he and Delta Goodrem are romantically linked.
It is reported that Jacque Hollander, a former employee of James Brown, is suing him for $100m compensation, claiming that he raped and battered her at gunpoint in 1988. Hollander had previously brought charges against Brown in 2002, but the case was dismissed as frivolous
Ingrid Michaelson releases her debut album, Slow The Rain, in the USA.