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Sting plays the first of two nights at the Palais Omnisports De Bercy, Paris, France, Europe.
Madonna begins filming a video for her latest single, American Pie, in London, UK, with director Phillip Stolzl.
David Lee Roth plays at the Hard Rock, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
During a hearing about crack cocaine possession charges at a Criminal Court in Queens, New York, USA, Wu-Tang Clan rapper Ol' Dirty Bastard makes lewd comments to a female district attorney, asking her if she thinks he is ‘horny’. He also ignores Judge Charles Heffernan and nods off to sleep at one point during the proceedings.
Metallica, Creed, Kid Rock and Sevendust play the last of three non-consecutive nights at The Target Centre, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
It is reported that country teen star LeAnn Rimes, previously always managed by her father, Wilbur, is now to be managed by Tom Ross, former head of the Creative Artist Agency's music division.