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Alvin Lee And Company play at The Orpheum Theatre, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
During a residency, Van Halen play at Gazzari's, West Hollywood, California, USA.
Grand Funk Railroad play in Amarillo, Texas, USA.
Rush play at Humber College Ampitheatre, Toronto, ON, Canada
Kiss play in The Paramount, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Status Quo play at Festival, Épinal, France, Europe.
Junior Wells plays the first of two gigs at Theresa's, Chicago, Illinois, USA. The gig is recorded and tracks will be released in 2006 on the LP Junior Wells Live At Theresa's 1975.
Al Green earns his 12th gold disc from the R.I.A.A. in the USA for the album Al Green Explores Your Mind.
Genesis play at West Palm Beach Convention Hall, Florida, USA.