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The American-Yiddish musical revue Bagels And Yox is playing at The Holiday Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 208 performances.
Teresa Brewer with an orchestra directed by Ray Bloch, records Gonna Get Along Without You Now, for Coral Records in the USA.
Frankie Baker, the Frankie in the murder ballad Frankie And Johnny, dies in an insane asylum, in Pendleton, Missouri, USA. Frankie And Johnny has been recorded in more than 250 versions.
R'n'b group The Orioles record Shrimp Boats, Trust In Me, A Scandal, It's Over Because We're Through and It Ain't Gonna Be Like That, for Jubilee Records in New York City, USA.
Singer, pianist, songwriter and arranger Billy Love has a recording session for Chess Records at Sun Records Studio, 706 Union Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
Sister Rosetta Tharpe and Red Foley record Have A Little Talk With Jesus, in Castle Studio At The Tulane Hotel, 206 8th Avenue North, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Nature Boy Brown And His Blues Ramblers (with King Kolax on trumpet) record Strictly Gone, Walking Home, You Stayed Away Too Long and House Party Groove, for United/Pearl Records at Universal Recording, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Nat King Cole, with arranger/conductor Nelson Riddle, records Somewhere Along The Way, for Capitol Records in Los Angeles, California, USA. It will peak on the Billboard Magazine Best Seller chart in the USA on at No8.
H-Bomb Ferguson records Give It Up, Big City Blues, My Brown Frame Baby, New Way Blues, Bookie's Blues, Life Is Hard and Hot Kisses for Savoy Records in New York City, USA.
Herb Jeffries appears on the cover of Jet Magazine in the USA, as part of a feature about "Negro Singers Who Refuse To Pass." This was a period when many light-skinned black performers attempted "to pass" as all-white in an effort to broaden their commercial appeal. In marked contrast, Jeffries used make-up to darken his skin in order to pursue a career in jazz and to be seen as employable by the leading all-black musical ensembles of the day.
Jeoffrey Benward is born in Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA. He will find success as a Contemporary Christian Music singer and songwriter.
Grandpa Jones records T.V. Blues, Stop That Ticklin' Me, Mountain Laurel and Retreat (Cries My Heart), at Brown Radio Productions, 240 1/2 4th Avenue North, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Billy Walker records Anything Your Heart Desires, What Makes Me Love You (Like i Do)?, One Heart's Beatin', One Heart's Cheatin' and If I Should Live That Long, in Jim Beck Studio, 1101 Ross Avenue, Dallas, Texas, USA.
Acclaimed jazz bassist and prolific recording artist William Parker is born in New York City, USA.
T-Bone Walker plays at The Club Alabam, Los Angeles, California, USA.
The Irving Berlin musical and political satire Call Me Madam is playing at The Coliseum, London, England, UK, during a run of 485 performances. Main cast members are Billie Worth (Sally Adams), Anton Walbrook (Cosmo), Jeff Warren (Ken Gibson) and Shani Wallis (Princess Maria). Songs include The Hostess with the Mostes', It's a Lovely Day Today, The Ocarina, They Like Ike and You're Just in Love.
The musical revue New Faces Of 1952, is presented at The Royale Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 365 performances. The revue is perhaps best remembered because it features Eartha Kitt making her Broadway debut with the spectacular song, Monotonous, based on real events in her life.
The musical comedy Wish You Were Here, is presented at The Imperial Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 598 performances.
The musical Love From Judy is playing at The Saville Theatre, London, England, UK, during a run of 594 performances. The cast includes Jean Carson (Judy), Linda Gray (Grace), Bill O'Connor (Jervis) and Adelaide Hall (Butterfly) and songs including I Never Dream When I'm Asleep, Dear Daddy Long-Legs, Here We Are and A Touch of Voodoo.
The revue An Evening With Beatrice Lillie is presented at The Booth Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 276 performances. As well as its actress-singer star, the show features piano duettists Eddie And Rack.
The Harry James Orchestra is playing during four weeks at Cocoanut Grove, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Exotica vocalist Yma Sumac is appearing during a four-week engagement at The Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, USA.