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David Chapman is born in Fall River, Massachusetts, USA. In a long career as a jazz saxophonist and clarinettist he will play and/or record with the Nat Pierce Band, Herb Pomeroy, The Artie Shaw Orchestra and The Tommy Dorsey / Buddy Morrow Band.
At a recording session funded by Paul Whiteman, vocalist Bee Palmer records Don't Leave Me Daddy and Singin' The Blues for Columbia Records in New York City, USA, but the tracks are not released. Trumpet on the session is played by the esteemed Frankie Trumbauer.
Jazz vocalist Gwen Cleveland is born in Fredricksburgh, Virginia, USA. She will become a member of all-female jazz group Jazzberry Jam and will work with Bross Townsend, Paul Dooley and Bubba Brooks and Paula Hampton.
David Chapman is born in Fall River, Massachusetts, USA. In a long career as a jazz saxophonist and clarinettist he will play and/or record with the Nat Pierce Band, Herb Pomeroy, the Artie Shaw Orchestra and the Tommy Dorsey / Buddy Morrow Band.
David Chapman is born in Fall River, Massachusetts, USA. In a long career as a jazz saxophonist and clarinettist he will play and/or record with the Nat Pierce Band, Herb Pomeroy, the Artie Shaw Orchestra and the Tommy Dorsey / Buddy Morrow Band.
At a recording session funded by Paul Whiteman, vocalist Bee Palmer records Don't Leave Me Daddy and Singin' The Blues for Columbia Records in New York City, USA, but the tracks are not released. trumpet on the session is played by the esteemed Frankie Trumbauer.