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US TV series Your Hit Parade, whose regular cast includes Dorothy Collins and Snooky Lanson, features the songs Beyond The Blue Horizon, Wayward Wind, Moonglow, Heartbreak Hotel, Hot Diggity, Standing At The Corner.
Popular Irish singer Ruby Murray completes a UK tour with a show at The Empire, Liverpool.
Rockabilly combo Johnny Taylor And His Rhythm Blue Boys release a new single, Mixed Up Rhythm And Blues on Fire Records in the USA.
Fats Domino plays at The Cotton Club, Lubbock, Texas, USA.
Rockabilly combo Johnny Taylor And His Rhythm Blue Boys release a new single, Mixed Up Rhythm And Blueson Fire Records in the USA.
Elvis Presley's cover of the Arthur Crudup song My Baby Left Me enters the Billboard Best-Selling Singles chart in the USA, where it will peak at No31 during a three-week run.